Gathered Garden
We bring you the Gathered Garden. This design features hydrangea, roses, and carnations along with stock or similar seasonal flowers..... all arranged in a glass container. This is a long-lasting arrangement. Seasonally, the content can change depending on available fresh flowers. We will maintain the overall look, value, and feel when substitutions are necessary
We bring you the Gathered Garden. This design features hydrangea, roses, and carnations along with stock or similar seasonal flowers..... all arranged in a glass container. This is a long-lasting arrangement. Seasonally, the content can change depending on available fresh flowers. We will maintain the overall look, value, and feel when substitutions are necessary

We bring you the Gathered Garden. This design features hydrangea, roses, and carnations along with stock or similar seasonal flowers..... all arranged in a glass container. This is a long-lasting arrangement. Seasonally, the content can change depending on available fresh flowers. We will maintain the overall look, value, and feel when substitutions are necessary