The Gerbera Daisy Bouquet


Gerbera daisies galore! This design focuses on one of the most popular flowers around, providing several different colors of Gerber daisy (colors are subject to availability). So fresh, so fun! This bouquet was created by Beaverton Florist, one of the country's best Real Local Florists located in Beaverton, Or.

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Gerbera daisies galore! This design focuses on one of the most popular flowers around, providing several different colors of Gerber daisy (colors are subject to availability). So fresh, so fun! This bouquet was created by Beaverton Florist, one of the country's best Real Local Florists located in Beaverton, Or.

Quality Teddy Bear Collection

Gerbera daisies galore! This design focuses on one of the most popular flowers around, providing several different colors of Gerber daisy (colors are subject to availability). So fresh, so fun! This bouquet was created by Beaverton Florist, one of the country's best Real Local Florists located in Beaverton, Or.

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