Rose Hydrangea Lily bouquet
Fremont Flowers wrapped bouquet: Large combo with Roses, Hydrangea, Gerbera, and other seasonal cut flowers....fresh from the fields, our wrapped bouquet is simply stated. The bouquet comes with a variety of the best blooms and greens for the recipient to arrange at home in their own vase. Please be aware that delivery is made out of water, and if left on the porch, needs to be hydrated soon after delivery. Seasonable availability applies....we only carry the freshest flowers in season and at the peak of their season! See our final touches below for optional add on vases for the recipient to use to arrange the flowers. These do not come prearranged in a vase. As stated above, this is a "design-it-yourself" arrangement that comes with flowers that arrive ready for a quick trim, your design prowess and the vase of your choosing from your private collection. The Fine Print.....Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that we designed and later sent out to a customer just like you! Please note that while we don’t guarantee what the flower varieties or colors will be, we do guarantee that your specific arrangement will be fresh, beautiful, and that your recipient will love it!
Fremont Flowers wrapped bouquet: Large combo with Roses, Hydrangea, Gerbera, and other seasonal cut flowers....fresh from the fields, our wrapped bouquet is simply stated. The bouquet comes with a variety of the best blooms and greens for the recipient to arrange at home in their own vase. Please be aware that delivery is made out of water, and if left on the porch, needs to be hydrated soon after delivery. Seasonable availability applies....we only carry the freshest flowers in season and at the peak of their season! See our final touches below for optional add on vases for the recipient to use to arrange the flowers. These do not come prearranged in a vase. As stated above, this is a "design-it-yourself" arrangement that comes with flowers that arrive ready for a quick trim, your design prowess and the vase of your choosing from your private collection. The Fine Print.....Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that we designed and later sent out to a customer just like you! Please note that while we don’t guarantee what the flower varieties or colors will be, we do guarantee that your specific arrangement will be fresh, beautiful, and that your recipient will love it!

Fremont Flowers wrapped bouquet: Large combo with Roses, Hydrangea, Gerbera, and other seasonal cut flowers....fresh from the fields, our wrapped bouquet is simply stated. The bouquet comes with a variety of the best blooms and greens for the recipient to arrange at home in their own vase. Please be aware that delivery is made out of water, and if left on the porch, needs to be hydrated soon after delivery. Seasonable availability applies....we only carry the freshest flowers in season and at the peak of their season! See our final touches below for optional add on vases for the recipient to use to arrange the flowers. These do not come prearranged in a vase. As stated above, this is a "design-it-yourself" arrangement that comes with flowers that arrive ready for a quick trim, your design prowess and the vase of your choosing from your private collection. The Fine Print.....Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that we designed and later sent out to a customer just like you! Please note that while we don’t guarantee what the flower varieties or colors will be, we do guarantee that your specific arrangement will be fresh, beautiful, and that your recipient will love it!
Note: This product is only available for Pickup and cannot be delivered!