Medium Stem Red Roses (Arranged)


Roses always offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, our medium stem 40 cm Rose Bouquet will delight your special recipient with each fragrant bloom. Hand-designed by our in-house design staff and boasting an array of bright hues, this flower arrangement has been individually designed for you to help you celebrate a birthday, or anniversary, or express a variety of wishes. This bouquet includes the following: one dozen roses and an assortment of lush greens with floral accents.
These arrive arranged so the recipient can enjoy from the moment of delivery
BETTER bouquet is our 60 cm roses offered elsewhere on this website.
50cm Roses are reduced to be proportionate to the vase, providing a good customer experience.

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Roses always offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, our medium stem 40 cm Rose Bouquet will delight your special recipient with each fragrant bloom. Hand-designed by our in-house design staff and boasting an array of bright hues, this flower arrangement has been individually designed for you to help you celebrate a birthday, or anniversary, or express a variety of wishes. This bouquet includes the following: one dozen roses and an assortment of lush greens with floral accents.
These arrive arranged so the recipient can enjoy from the moment of delivery
BETTER bouquet is our 60 cm roses offered elsewhere on this website.
50cm Roses are reduced to be proportionate to the vase, providing a good customer experience.

Quality Teddy Bear Collection

Roses always offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, our medium stem 40 cm Rose Bouquet will delight your special recipient with each fragrant bloom. Hand-designed by our in-house design staff and boasting an array of bright hues, this flower arrangement has been individually designed for you to help you celebrate a birthday, or anniversary, or express a variety of wishes. This bouquet includes the following: one dozen roses and an assortment of lush greens with floral accents.
These arrive arranged so the recipient can enjoy from the moment of delivery
BETTER bouquet is our 60 cm roses offered elsewhere on this website.
50cm Roses are reduced to be proportionate to the vase, providing a good customer experience.

Wrapped Roses
from $79.95
Red Roses Extra fancy
from $109.95
Fate Luxury Bouquet
50 Rose Hat Box
3 Dozen Roses Arranged