3 Dozen Roses Arranged


Make a huge statement....3 dozen long stem red roses arranged in a spectacular statement! This beautiful display is very large...so make sure it does not have to be transported once delivered!

(Prices listed are for local delivery only. Out of area delivery prices are subject to change.)

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Make a huge statement....3 dozen long stem red roses arranged in a spectacular statement! This beautiful display is very large...so make sure it does not have to be transported once delivered!

(Prices listed are for local delivery only. Out of area delivery prices are subject to change.)

Quality Teddy Bear Collection

Make a huge statement....3 dozen long stem red roses arranged in a spectacular statement! This beautiful display is very large...so make sure it does not have to be transported once delivered!

(Prices listed are for local delivery only. Out of area delivery prices are subject to change.)

Wrapped Roses
from $79.95
Fate Luxury Bouquet
Rose Petals bag
from $12.95
Beating Heart
Sold Out
Medium Stem Red Roses (Arranged)